Laboratory directors Jeff and Susan Zehnder founded drug Detection Laboratories in 1984. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) licenses DDL to receive and analyze all schedules of controlled substances. DDL specializes in forensic toxicology, forensic chemistry, and the interpretation of toxicology related reports and data.
Jeffery Zehnder, Forensic Toxicologist, has worked in the field of forensic and clinical toxicology for more than 30 years. He has a bachelors of Science in Forensic Science and a teaching minor in chemistry. Jeff is licensed as Clinical Toxicologist Scientist, is a Forensic Alcohol Supervisor, and is qualified to administer standardized field sobriety tests (NHTSA). Jeff has testified as an expert in forensic toxicology more than 2000 times in courtrooms throughout northern California and Nevada, and has testified in more than 2000 DMV administrative hearings. Jeff, along with his wife Susan, has successfully owned his laboratory for more than 25 years, and his combination of experience and knowledge is unique in the field of forensic toxicology. Please click here to link to Mr. Zehnder’s Curriculum Vitae.
Susan Zehnder, forensic toxicologist, has worked in the field of forensic and clinical toxicology for more than 29 years. Susan has held numerous positions in toxicology, including eleven years with the California Department of Justice. Susan has Bachelors degrees in both Biological Science and Forensic Science, and a minor in chemistry. Susan has testified throughout California in the areas of analytical toxicology and pharmacological interpretation of the effects of drugs on people.
Edwin Smith, forensic toxicologist and criminalist, has more than 21 years experience in forensic science. Ed has experience in both the private and pubic sector, having worked for the Sacramento County Laboratory of Forensic Services for eleven years. Ed has a Bachelors of Science degree in Forensic Science (with a minor in chemistry), and a Master of Science degree with a concentration in forensic toxicology. Ed is a board certified Criminalist (D-ABC) by the American Board of Criminalists, and board certified by the American Board of Forensic Tocicologist and a Forensic Toxicology Specialist (FTS-ABFT). Ed is a Forensic Alcohol Supervisor, a board member of the California Association of Toxicologist, and is qualified to administer standardized field sobriety tests (NHTSA). Ed also has experience in the investigation of clandestine drug laboratories. Ed has testified in California and Nevada many areas of forensic toxicology and forensic chemistry, and has testified in more than 100 DMV administrative hearings. Please click here to link to Mr. Smith’s Curriculum Vitae.
Minh Tran has five years experience as a forensic scientist. Minh has a Bachelors of Science degree in Biological Science, has analyzed hundreds of blood and urine samples for the presence of drugs, and has performed more than 1000 forensic alcohol analyses. Minh is a Forensic Alcohol Analyst (FAA), and also has experience analyzing various samples such as powders, pills, liquids, syringe contents, and other suspicious samples. Minh has testified on open court and at DMV Administrative per se hearings concerning his findings. Please click here to link to Mr. Tran’s Curriculum Vitae.
Laboratory Director and Forensic Toxicologist Jeff Zehnder in front of Drug Detection Laboratories
Toxicologist Minh Tran
Forensic Toxicologist Edwin Smith